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Can you pass this heart health quiz?

10 minute read
Man jumping rope for a story about heart health

If you can answer these 10 questions, you’ll set yourself up to live a longer, healthier life.

Julie Stewart

By Julie Stewart

Do you know what it takes to keep your heart healthy? It’s important knowledge to have: Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the most common type, the hardening and narrowing of arteries known as atherosclerosis, could be as much as 90% preventable, says Erin D. Michos, MD. She’s the director of women’s cardiovascular health and an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University.

The more you know about your heart, the better you’re able to spot a problem. “It’s never too late to start treatment, but it’s much more effective if prevention starts earlier in life,” says Dr. Michos.

Test your heart smarts with this quiz. See if you can choose correctly before scrolling down to see the answer. (If you’re already taking medication for your heart, the Optum Store can help you save on your prescriptions. Learn how.)

  1. 20 minutes of any exercise
  2. 150 minutes of moderate exercise
  3. 30 minutes of vigorous exercise
  4. 180 minutes of vigorous exercise
  1. Tingling spine
  2. Speeding pulse
  3. Agonizing chest pain
  4. Chest discomfort
  1. Fiber
  2. Protein
  3. Saturated fat
  4. Antioxidants
  1. 1 in 20
  2. 1 in 10
  3. 1 in 5
  4. 1 in 3
  1. 30/60 mmHg (millimeters of mercury)
  2. 115/75 mmHg
  3. 180/200 mmHg
  4. 220/320 mmHg
  1. It doesn’t. The conditions are unrelated.
  2. Nobody knows for sure.
  3. It increases the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
  4. It has a small, indirect effect, since it makes it harder to exercise.
  1. 30 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)
  2. 60 mg/dL
  3. 150 mg/dL
  4. 350 mg/dL
  1. It slightly lowers it.
  2. It has no effect.
  3. It increases the risk of high blood pressure, but only for men.
  4. It increases the risk of high blood pressure for men and women of any age.
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. 30 beats per minute (bpm)
  2. 60 bpm
  3. 90 bpm
  4. 120 bpm

Additional sources
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lifestyle factors to reduce heart-disease risk: The American Heart Association
Risk factor control in people with Type 2 diabetes: The American Journal of Cardiology (2019).Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among US Adults with Type 2 Diabetes with and Without Cardiovascular Disease.”
Weight loss to reduce heart risk: Translational Behavioral Medicine (2016). “Effects on Cardiovascular Risk Factors of Weight Losses Limited to 5–10%.”
Monoclonal antibodies can cut LDL cholesterol by 50%: New England Journal of Medicine (2020). “Evinacumab in Patients with Refractory Hypercholesterolemia.”
Obesity and hypertension review: Annals of Translational Medicine (2017). “Association of Obesity with Hypertension.”
Smoking and lung cancer risk: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Low blood pressure: Mayo Clinic
Association of obesity with other cardiovascular risk factors, specifically blood pressure: The Canadian Medical Association Journal. “Risk Factor Correlates of Body Mass Index. Canadian Heart Health Surveys Research Group.”
What cholesterol numbers mean: Cleveland Clinic
Obesity and heart risk: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome (2019). “Cardiovascular Risk and Obesity.”
Prescription fish oil: The New England Journal of Medicine (2019). “Cardiovascular Risk Reduction With Icosapent Ethyl for Hypertriglyceridemia.”